Saturday, September 12, 2009

4 Steps You Can Take If Your Online Credit Card Application

Help! I’ve Been Turned Down

You received an envelope in the mail with a great offer for a low interest credit card. You read all the details, even the boring small print and decided that this card fit your needs to a tee. You filled out the required forms and anticipated the day that the card would arrive – you even got to pick which background you got. However, what came in the mail was not an acceptance and a brand new card but a denial. What is your first reaction? Perhaps anger. Perhaps sadness. Perhaps fear. Yet none of these will help you get a card!

So, what should you do?

1. The first thing to do is read the letter carefully. Two important pieces of information must be included in the letter you receive when you're credit application is disapproved: The specific reasons you were denied credit, or information on how to obtain those reasons, and, if a credit report was used in making that decision, the name and address of the credit reporting agency. Here are some possible reasons for denial:

Haven’t lived at your current location long enough

Haven’t been employed at your current job long enough

Your income is not sufficient to meet this particular creditor’s minimum income requirement

Information supplied by the credit bureau

2. If the reason for your denial is unclear to you, then call the company for clarification. What were the exact reasons? What were the exact standards that you did not meet? This information is important to know and understand. If you apply for credit again and are turned down, then this reflects poorly on your credit report. The best advice for this situation is to wait at least 6 months if you have been denied by two different companies in quick succession.

3. If you've been denied credit because of information supplied by a credit bureau, federal law requires the creditor to give you the name, address, and telephone number of the bureau that supplied the information. You should contact this agency for a copy of your credit report. Federal law states that you are entitled to a free copy if you’ve been turned down. Once you receive your report, check it for accuracy. Up to 40% of reports have errors. If you find an error, then you need to report this to the bureau in writing. Be sure to send along whatever proof you may have. Getting the credit bureau to investigate an error will not cost you anything and will save you a lot of time and frustration when it is corrected.

4. If mistakes on your report led to the rejection of your application, ask the credit bureau to send a corrected copy to the lender. Then you can ask the lender to reconsider your application. If however, you were denied because of a poor rating, only better spending habits and time will help you get the credit you desire.

Wesley Atkins is the owner of which aims to get you fitted with the best credit cards to suit your situation. With numerous credit card articles and easy online credit card applications you will never choose the wrong credit card again.

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Forex Trading Strategies

As in any trading method, forex trading too involves a number of strategies and an investor in the forex market must adopt an excellent mix of strategies and analysis in order to make substantial financial gains.

Forex trading is nothing but buying foreign currencies at a certain rate and selling it at another rate making use of the difference in exchange rates of this currency in various markets. Profit is made when the selling rate exceeds the buying rate.

While there may be various Forex trading strategies adopted globally by a number of forex traders there are definitely certain basic ones that are a must for traders. The two main Forex trading strategies that try to bring a discipline in forex trading are as follows:

  • Simple Moving Average
  • Support and Resistance Levels

In the first strategy, the important thing is to establish a 12-period simple moving average of the prices of foreign currencies. With this average, the price movements are plotted on a graph. Whenever the foreign currency prices cross the 12-period average above, it is a signal to buy the currency. On the other hand, when the price crosses the 12-period average below, it is time to stop and reverse that is to sell the currency. This strategy is a simple method that is easy to understand and follow. However, it has its limitations in terms of reliability and higher risk.

The second Forex Trading Strategy is to establish support and resistance levels in the price of the foreign currency. The support level is the base point or the lowest price point in a certain period while the resistance level is the upper price point in the same period. These levels can be determined by studying the price movements of the foreign currency using certain types of graphs. Whenever the support and resistance levels are breached, a new trend in prices occurs and the levels have to be established again.

Apart from the above strategies that provide a scientific way to understand and take positions in foreign currency trading, there are a certain set of basic rules to follow as strategies:

  • Always keep track of the amount exposed in foreign currency trading and ensure that it is within the accepted levels
  • Keep in mind the return that is expected from the transactions and try not to be too greedy and breach the expectation too much
  • Understand the actual risk involved in every transaction and compare it with your accepted risk absorption capacity.
  • Keep track of your own experience in forex trading
  • Always keep in mind your investment objective which may be capital appreciation, constant returns or high profits.
  • Invest only up to the amount that you can afford to lose.
  • Always rely on expert opinion, analytical statements and past history of prices rather your own instincts that may be effective only at times.

Thus with the adoption of the above Forex trading strategies, traders can make wise profits.

Are you interested in learning about Forex Currency Trading Reference site with plenty of valuable information.

Emini Trading Strategies

30 Minute Emini Day Trading System

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Choosing the Best Holiday Destination

Working 9 – 5, raising a family, worrying about the mortgage and trying to make time for all the people, pressures and demands in your life can take its toll. You need a break from time to time and because it is so essential that you use your holiday time for completely unwinding and de-stressing it is absolutely critical that you pick out the best holiday destination each time and avoid wasting your days away, your hard earned cash and your quality time with loved ones.

This guide to choosing the best holiday destination for you covers the top ten points you should consider when planning that next getaway.

1) The Time Of The Year – when are you planning on taking your next holiday? Certain destinations are only attractive to holidaymakers at a given time of the year because of climatic conditions. Think carefully about when you’ll be travelling and then examine the rainfall and temperature charts for your shortlist of destinations and make sure it will be neither extremely too hot or cold or wet or windy when you plan to holiday.

2) Your Budget – your budget will have a major bearing on where you travel to and also when you can travel. Travelling out of season on a last minute package holiday will of course save you lots of money, but there are other ways to make your money go further. Travel agents nowadays offer early bird booking discounts for example, alternatively you could book each stage of the holiday separately and possibly save more by calling airlines, hotels and hire car companies direct and asking about any special offers or discounts they offer and maybe you could even consider a house swap to save on accommodation costs.

3) Distance – long haul flights are no fun unless you can travel business class! And what’s more, having to travel to your ideal destination over a 12 or even 24 hour period and then suffering jetlag when you arrive and upon your return will maybe eat up as much as half of your holiday in real terms. Think about the distance you would like to travel in terms of hours sat on a plane, in departures, on a bus, in the car or even on a train…and then research destinations accordingly.

4) Travelling Parents – if you have children and you’re planning a family holiday a whole load of new criteria come into the planning. If you have young pre-school children you may be able to travel out of the peak school holiday times and thus save yourself thousands…but you will have the added hassle of having to travel with half a tonne of baby paraphernalia! Research your airline and resort in terms of the facilities they offer parents. Also, you must consider the heat, sun and humidity factors when travelling as children suffer more and also tend to vocalise more than us when uncomfortable for long periods of time!

5) Facilities – what facilities are in or around the resorts you’re considering and what facilities to you require? If you can’t be more than a day away from the internet make sure there’s access from your hotel, if you’re travelling with children is there a laundry service offered – or better still if you’re on a budget, do they have a laundry room in the hotel that you can access? Do you need to carry an iron, a hair dryer, a carry cot or even a child’s car seat with you or will your hotel and hire car company be able to supply you with all the bulky items you need? Ask, don’t assume!

6) Amenities – if you want to keep fit when away is there a hotel gym, what about a spa so that you can make the most of your time away? Is there an onsite bar and restaurant, what about gift shops and a mini market? Think about all the amenities you would like to have access to before you begin your research and then when you find an attractive destination tick off your list of desirable amenities against what it offers.

7) Entertainment – when it comes to your idea of a good time does that include wild night life or easy access to sites of historic or cultural interest? Are you after pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants for a 24 hour party or would you like to be able to drive to a stunning castle, take a boat trip out to sea, wander away from the crowds and find entertainment in tranquillity? You will have a good idea of the entertainment requirements you and travelling companions require – just make sure you pick a resort that fits in with those requirements!

8) Beach Flop Or Activity Holiday – are you happy to flop on the sand and soak up the sun or would you be happier hiking in the Himalayas? Think carefully about what exactly would bring you the most pleasure from your time away. Don’t go with the flow and copy the crowds if your idea of a nice time is simply relaxing in your garden at home for two weeks then do that! Your holiday time is your own so make of it what you can and what you want.

9) Health Requirements – if you or your family have any particular health issues from asthma to diabetes, from a physical handicap to even a fear of flying you should take all of these factors into the planning. Certain destinations are less sophisticated in terms of medical facilities available and even in terms of access to prescription drugs, some are more inaccessible in terms of travelling to or even getting around than others. Also, some destinations carry disease warnings and require you to have inoculations before you travel or to take malaria drugs when on the ground for example. Consider your preferred destination in terms of the health aspects for your whole family.

10) Take Recommendations – listen to family, friends and colleagues when they tell you about where they’ve been that was good and where they’ve been that was terrible; learn from their experiences and disaster stories and take any recommendations from trusted and like minded sources. Such recommendations can be a great place to begin your research and if you find that the destination likely suits you to a tee you will be able to find out about the best places to eat, the must see sights and the friendliest staff before you head out which will give you an extra confidence boost and get your holiday off to a flying start.

Have fun!

Rhiannon Williamson is a freelance writer whose articles about traveling and living abroad have appeared in many major travel and expatriate publications throughout the world.

You can find more of her articles at:

travel cot - baby travel crib