Sunday, March 28, 2010

Guitars Shopping Requirements

Before people make changes to their guitars, whether it might be a hardware change, or a finish change, they try to find out the guitars shopping requirements that they need to be fulfilled, before any work can be done. They ask a few people and are told that the guitars shopping requirements will depend on what type of guitar the work will be done on.

To add airbrush designs to the surface of a guitar, the guitars shopping requirements would require a guitar player to buy a guitar that had a chemical reactive finish to it. If they were doing the work themselves, they would have to buy some sand paper because the chemical reactive finish would have to be sanded down before the design could be airbrushed onto the surface of the guitar.

The guitar player felt pretty good about the guitars shopping requirements because he already owned a guitar with a chemical reactive finish, because he knew that most of the guitars in the United States were made with that type of finish, and his happened to be one of them.

If the guitar player was going to do the work himself, the guitars shopping requirements would require that he purchase an air brush spray assembly, all of the paint colors that would be in the design, and only then could he spray brush the design directly to the surface of his guitar.

He already knew the guitars shopping requirements for buying chemical finish remover because he had tried before to use regular paintbrush techniques to the surface of another guitar, and found out quickly that the paint buildup would never allow him to achieve a level finish, and the buildup on the guitar caused the tone in his guitar to change.

The guitar player wondered what the guitars shopping requirements would require if he wanted to get the factory look back in his guitar finish after he completed the airbrushing techniques he had studied so well. He found out that the guitars shopping requirements would require that he purchase a clear coat to put over the design, and make sure he had some buffing rags around to buff that coating out to a lustrous finish.

The guitar player quickly realized his error, and if he had been thinking he would have known that that clear coating technique was already being used by motor cross racers on their helmets, and those helmet finishes did have a glossy finish. All that the guitars shopping requirements would require of him to do to achieve that lustrous finish was that he would have to have some sanding materials on hand and apply the clear coat in that manner.

The guitar player was quite worried about ruining the finish of his expensive guitar, because he suspected it had a Nitrocellulose lacquer finish on it. He wondered what the guitars shopping requirements would require for him to blend the new clear coat in with the present finish. The guitars shopping requirements only required that he purchase some compatible paints that worked well with Nitrocellulose lacquer, and then he would not have to worry about a bad chemical reaction.

Left Handed Electric Guitars
Left Hand Electric Guitar

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